Tributes and beginnings

Vicky and I never talked, nor did we ever meet face to face. We messaged back and forth once or twice, and might have liked or commented on each other’s posts over the years too. It’s safe to say we barely knew each other, but I’m feeling the loss after last night, learning that she has passed away.

I’ve always been awestruck by Vicky’s omnipresence in our corner of the internet where the digital government, inclusive design and accessibility communities dwell. Her writing and commentary was beyond informative, always inspiring and consistently bang-on.

Most recently, these three articles are ones I’ve poured over, returned to often and have shared with colleagues and in communities:

Her post, Metaphors we stick by, is one I revisit every time I join a team who needed some support in nurturing a healthier identity and culture (which is pretty much every team I’ve joined since reading this article way back when), and have used the workshop outlined in that post countless times.

I often read Vicky’s week notes, and I’ve aspired to adopt this practice and do the same; promote transparency, work in the open, share what I learn, acknowledge when I fail, document and reflect on my craft over the passing weeks, months and years.

Last night, after learning that Vicky had passed and after reading many moving tributes online, I rolled up my sleeves and finished setting up this blog. A side-quest I’ve been putting off for far too long now. I’m still tinkering away but it works well enough to share this post with you.

I don’t yet know what will come of this blog, or how often I will post, but I promise to share what I write as and when I do it.

Thank you Vicky, for everything you taught us.